Monday, September 3, 2012

The birthday boy

Saturday, September 1 was TongJie's 2nd birthday!  We all had a fun day.  Here is a picture of the birthday boy at breakfast:

After breakfast, we walked to the park with Albert.  TongJie had fun playing on the playground and on the swings.

He likes to look up when he's swinging.  It must look interesting from that angle.

We tried to get a birthday picture of TongJie standing at his growth chart, but he didn't want to cooperate.  Silly kid!

We had a family birthday party at a different park that evening.  It was just family, but it was a pretty large group of people.  Besides me and Jeff and TongJie, there were eight other adults and five other kids.  It was a fun party, and we had blueberry muffins and "cake" made out of watermelon, pineapple, and cantaloupe.  Jeff and I had made the birthday cake the night before after TongJie went to bed.

TongJie didn't quite know what to do with the gifts.  It was nice that we had lots of helpers, otherwise it would have taken forever to open them!

TongJie was worn out by bedtime, but the next morning he was all ready to play with his new toys.  He wanted to get down from his highchair before he'd even eaten all of his breakfast, because he could see his new cars and blocks and wanted to play with them so bad.  So he played for a long time, still in his jammies.

And here is a final picture of the 2-year-old.  He's been wearing his hat like this lately, with the bill flipped up!


  1. Thanks for the pictures and narrative, Crystal. TongJie is a fun kid (with fun parents)! -Dad

  2. Happy Birthday, TongJie! Don't worry, you'll get into the gift-opening thing real fast. And that cake is a prize--so pretty and so much more nutritious than all the butter and sugar! That idea should go on Pintrest!
