Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cooling off in the sprinkler and reading

TongJie had fun cooling off in the sprinkler yesterday evening before bed.

Even Caspian came over to say hello:

TongJie has been "reading" by himself lately.  He usually chooses reading material that belongs to me or Jeff, instead of one of his many children's books.  In the pictures below, he is reading Jeff's planning calendar, but he also seems to enjoy Pilgrim's Progress and the Bible.

We've been making lots of smoothies - TongJie loves them, and it's a good way to sneak in veggies since he doesn't like veggies anymore.  So the smoothies are great, but since TongJie can't use a straw yet we've been giving him his smoothie in a bowl with a spoon.  He's getting some good practice using a spoon.

And here are a couple of pictures that Jeff took the other day:

1 comment:

  1. We always get so excited when we find a new blog post from you guys! TongJie is just adorable - what a big, happy smile he has! It looks like he's having lots of fun in the sprinkler. :) And how funny to see him "reading" books like Baba and Mama! He's very observant, that's for sure, and it seems like he imitates what he sees very well! Those smoothie pics are just awesome. What a perfect summer snack! Mmmmm...
