Saturday, August 11, 2012

Popsicles and new shoes

We gave TongJie a homemade popsicle the other day when it was really hot.  He didn't eat the whole thing, but he really liked it!

He got cleaned off in the sprinkler afterwards:

I mentioned in another recent post that TongJie has learned to climb up onto chairs.  Now he likes to sit in the big chairs whenever he can.  Here are some pictures of him eating a snack of Cheerios at the table.

We went to a yard sale this morning and got some new clothes for TongJie: a couple of shirts, a pair of overalls, and a pair of shoes - all for $2!  The clothes are all in the wash, but he's already trying out the shoes this afternoon.
I think the shoes are very cute, and so is the model who's wearing them!

And here is one final picture from this morning after breakfast:


  1. Good pictures Crystal. You should get royalties for letting them use TongJie's picture on the box. -Dad

  2. Oooh, that popsicle looks so tasty!! Is it mom's yogurt-pop recipe? We made those a couple times and they were so delish! It looks like TongJie is enjoying it very much!

    What a big boy sitting up in a chair like that! Your booster seat days might be numbered... ;)

    Those shoes are SO cute! What a deal! Yard sales are awesome! (Those socks look familiar. Did they come from Levi? If not, he had some that were very similar...)

    And I didn't even notice how the "model" on the diaper box looks so much like TongJie until I read Dad's comment! How funny! I like how T. is peeking over the top. :)

    P.S. - that Cheerio container is ingenious! That would have been handy to have when D & L were toddlers.
